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news & stories!


MIMIK vinnare av NEST-pitchtävling och TEKOs stipendium

Vinnare av NEST-pitchtävling och TEKOs stipendium på 75.000:- blev startupbolaget MIMIK som genom användargenererade digitala kloner, låter kunder prova kläder i endigital miljö på ett lustfyllt sätt och på så vis bidra till mer hållbar konsumtion, minskade returer och ökade vinstmarginaler.

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Lars Mattiasson

Framtidens Mode designer

Hur påverkas skapandet när modebranschen digitaliseras?

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Lars Mattiasson

‍Skapa en hållbar textil-& modeindustri. Anmäl dig till NEST!

Textil- och modeindustrin står inför stora utmaningar och måste gå från överproduktion till en mer hållbar, on-demand baserad produktion och cirkulära affärsmodeller. För att möta dessa utmaningar och driva branschen mot en hållbar framtid, öppnar NEST (New Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Textile industry) upp för ansökningar till 2024 års bootcamp. Programmet är öppet för entreprenörer som vill bidra till denna förändring i textil- och modebranschen.

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Anneli Xie

Missa inte Smarts Stora Kunskapsdag – för kreatörer!

Den 15 mars kommer vara fullproppad med inspiration och information för dig som är kultur- och konstskapare. Här finns idéer kring att skapa projekt, hitta finansiering, europeiska samarbeten och digitalisering – missa inte Smarts Stora Kunskapsdag!

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Livepodd 15/2: Fashion Transformation - Digitalt mode & gaming

Den 15 februari kl. 11:30–12:15 sänder vi live från xPlot i Lund för en paneldiskussion om de spännande och framväxande möjligheterna inom digitalt mode och gaming – och hur detta kan hjälpa modebranschen att ställa om. Anmäl dig här!

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Slow vs. Fast: Framtidens textilproduktion

Förra veckan höll NEST ett spännande panelsamtal om framtidens textilproduktion. Slow vs. fast fashion: hur ser framtidens textilproduktion ut? Vad är egentligen hållbart? Se samtalet här!

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Anneli Xie

Nu kan du söka till NEST 2023!

Den 7 december kickar vi igång NEST 2023 med ett event om Framtidens Textilproduktion och vad slow vs. fast fashion innebär. Samtidigt öppnar vi upp för anmälningar till NESTs bootcamp – för dig som vill utveckla din affärsidé tillsammans med oss.

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Anneli Xie

"We want to understand the textile industry's challenges within research"

How do we make the fashion industry more sustainable? In the fashion industry, finding holistic solutions in collaborations across borders might be the missing key. We visit Selma Maric and Kim Nygård at MAX IV to hear more about textile research.

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RecoMended vinnare av NEST-pitchtävling och TEKOs stipendium

Vinnare av NEST-pitchtävling och TEKOs stipendium på 75.000:- blev startupbolaget RecoMended som erbjuder automatiserade och skalbara textila reparationslösningar.

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Anneli Xie

Time-traveling app Be Here Then wins Creative Business Cup Sweden 2022!

A time machine in your pocket, Be Here Then is the winner of the 2022 Creative Business Cup Sweden! Founder and CEO, Charlotte Rodenstedt, tells us about her creative journey and the future for her company.

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Anneli Xie

Join us at The Buzz of Europe – a Day in the Spirit of Art, Culture, Science and Innovation!

Please join us on the 29th of April for an exploratory afternoon and get a taste of the great opportunities emerging out of meeting and collaborating with entrepreneurs, companies, institutions and cities!

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Anneli Xie

MLÌ by Svensson – fashion that lasts longer

Sustainable production, upcycling, digital collections… Fashion production is being re-invented; and Emelie Svensson is here for all of it. MLÌ by SVENSSON recycles polyester and produces avatar-showcased garments. Meet a designer of the new age!

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Anneli Xie

Getting dressed in the metaverse: why digital clothing matters

As our world turns increasingly more digital, and as the virtual and physical self start fusing, digital fashion might accentuate and create more space for self-expression. How did we get here, what does it mean – and is this our future?

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Anneli Xie

Från linjärt till cirkulärt, från vertikalt till horisontellt: Att förändra textil- och modeindustrin

Den 23:e februari samlades aktörer från modeindustrin på Textile Fashion Center i Borås för att diskutera utmaningar och lösningar i branschen. En sak stod säker: NU är tiden för förändring; och för det krävs korsindustriella och innovativa aktörer.

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Anneli Xie

Är det möjligt att förändra textil- och modeindustrin? Ett livesänt panelsamtal den 23/2!

Vad behövs för att vi ska lyckas förändra textil- och modeindustrin till att bli mer hållbar? Och vad kan vi göra för att nå dit? Missa inte att kolla in hybrideventet den 23 februari kl 11:30-12:00 för att höra en diskussion av vår expertpanel!

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Anneli Xie

Nytt initiativ för att ställa om textil- och modeindustrin med innovativa lösningar för en hållbar framtid

Textil- och modeindustrin är en av världens största klimatbovar. Nu måste branschen förändras. Välkommen att ansöka till NEST – initiativet som ska revolutionera industrin.

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Anneli Xie

NEST is challenging the textile industry – are you in?

The textile and fashion industry has one of the biggest climate footprints today. Do you have an idea that could make the textile and fashion industry more sustainable? NEST wants to hear all about it.

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Anneli Xie

Främjar din idé kultur? Upp till 2 miljoner per projekt finns att söka!

Nyligen släppte den alternativa offentliga finansiären Kulturbryggan höstens beviljade projekt inom Konstnärlig förnyelse, Kreativ infrastruktur och Nya finansieringsmodeller. Välkomna på digital infoturné i januari!

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Anneli Xie

Sleek lines and utilitarian luxury wins UFA 2021

Craftsmanship and sustainability stood in the spotlight at the 2021 Unicorn Fashion Awards. With patterned textures and an exceptional attention to detail, three winners rose to the top. Congratulations KoH T, MIKAGE SHIN, and Hyun Wook Jo!

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Anneli Xie

Simplifying the complex: Designing for Norbite

How do we convey complex information in a simple and easily digestible format? This was the question that students at Medieinstitutet tackled while re-defining the brand identity for Norbite, the runner-up in the 2021 Creative Business Cup Sweden.

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Anneli Xie

DARE Stories: Bringing Back Public Spaces with Aaron Greiner of CultureHouse

In this week's DARE Story, Aaron Greiner – Founder and Director of CultureHouse – tells us how the pandemic has caused the disappearance of public spaces; as well as a solution to bring them back.

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Anneli Xie

DARE Stories: Upcycling plastic waste into healthy food with Nathalie Berezina of Norbite

Welcome back to DARE Stories – the series in which we invite your favorite entrepreneurs to tell their own story. This week, Nathalie Berezina – Founder and CEO of Norbite – tells us about finding innovative solutions to solve world problems.

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Anneli Xie

Calling all Creative Entrepreneurs:Join the GovTech Challenge!

Open call for creative entrepreneurs, startups and smaller IT companies. Pitch your most innovative idea for a digital match-making platform in this collaborative GovTech PubSec challenge from Creative Business Network and the City of Copenhagen.

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Anneli Xie

Nature, craftsmanship, and sustainability in focus at UFA 2021

The finalists of the 2021 Unicorn Fashion Awards offer glimpses into the future of fashion. With designers spread across the globe, craftsmanship, innovation, and nature keep them united.

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Jonathan Wintoft

#RRCrossingBorders - Elin Beckman

What drives Elin Beckman forward is the enormous pleasure of playing music and making a dance floor happen “DJ:ing for Crossing Borders was such a pleasure and honor and I really loved the initiative."

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Anneli Xie

#RRCrossingBorders: New Ways of Play – Innovating with Phlay

An interactive media technology that changes how we act, think, and feel about branded content, Phlay engages audiences in an innovative way. During this week’s episode of Recap & Rewind, we revisit Mario Amura – Phlay’s Founder’s – presentation.

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Anneli Xie

A Green Revolution with Plastic-Digesting Larvae – This is Norbite

The life of a plastic bag is glorious by no means. Used for an average of 12 minutes, the plastic may take up to 1000 years to decompose. But factor in 100 wax moth larvae and a plastic bag is digested in 24h. Too good to be true? Nope. Meet Norbite.

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Anneli Xie

Daring, Adventurous, Radical, and Eccentric: Welcome to UFA 2021

Hosted by DARE Clan and ERA-KI, the Unicorn Fashion Awards seeks to find and promote emerging fashion designers to an international platform through a 4-12 month long accelerator program. Let's dive deeper into the UFA process.

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Anneli Xie

#RRCrossingBorders: A Psychological Approach to Creativity

Getting out of a creative rut can be overwhelming. How can psychology help us harness our brain's energy? In this episode of Recap and Rewind – a look back at our annual event, Crossing Borders – we let psychologist Pär Säthil tell us the answer.

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Anneli Xie

DARE Stories: New psychology for a daring artistic life with Pär Säthil

How can psychology help foster creativity? How do we kick-start our creative processes? In this week's DARE Story, Pär Säthil – writer, psychologist, and former musician – tells us all about the intersection of psychology, creativity, and bravery.

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Anneli Xie

This is TAI and SafariSeat – the Swedish start-up ranking no.3 in the world

During #BRIGHT21, 80+ countries competed in the Creative Business Cup to be crowned the best creative entrepreneurs in the world. TAI/SafariSeat – representing Sweden – claimed the bronze, ranking them the third best start-up in the world!

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Anneli Xie

#RRCrossingBorders – New Ways of Storytelling with Natural Pengu

During this episode of Recap and Rewind – a look back at our annual event, Crossing Borders – we catch up with Markku Lorentz of Natural Pengu to talk storytelling, heroes, Dungeons & Dragons, and the power of the internet.

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Anneli Xie

DARE Stories: Changing Lives, Changing Culture – Kamal Aubakirov and 360 Mentors

In this episode of DARE Stories, Kamal Aubakirov tells the story of 360 Mentors: an educational organization changing the lives of youth in Kazakhstan by helping them prepare for college.

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Anneli Xie

#RRCrossingBorders – What is FemTech? And why should we care, anyway?

On this episode of Recap & Rewind: FemTech and its importance in the modern entrepreneurship ecosystem. How do we render a new social reality of services, products, and design to support women’s health? And what really is FemTech, anyway?

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Anneli Xie

DARE Stories: Raul Romero and Yakera

Welcome to DARE Stories – a new series hosted by xPlot in collaboration with creators all over the world. Here, we let creative entrepreneurs tell their story – of daring, of innovating, and building their own. First out: Raul Romero and his Yakera.

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Anneli Xie

#RRCrossingBorders: Social Infrastructure and the Importance of Third Places

Welcome to Recap and Rewind – a look back at our annual event, Crossing Borders. First out is a discussion on urban design and the importance of creating third places – all through a lens of community, creativity, and CultureHouse.

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Anneli Xie

#BRIGHT21: SafariSeat in the Global Finals of the CBC!

SafariSeat, the winners of Creative Business Cup Sweden 2020, are one of the top six creative start-ups in the WORLD! Today, June 30th, they're making their final pitch in the Global Finals of the Creative Business Cup, held virtually at #BRIGHT21.

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Anneli Xie

#BRIGHT21: Footprint Level®, Smart Fashion – and much more!

#BRIGHT21 is a three-day virtual event running from 28 June – 30 June that will change your perspective on entrepreneurship and creativity. Join us to talk fashion and see Footprint Level® – winner of Creative Business Cup Sweden – take on the world!

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Jonathan Wintoft

Onwards and Upwards: the xPlot Journey Continues

The Crossing Borders event showed us the endless possibilities stemming from the Cultural and Creative Industries. This summer, we’re picking up on loose ends and tying it all together.

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Anneli Xie

The future is BRIGHT – and so is Smart Fashion

In a week – on June 28th to 30th, 2021 – Creative Business Network is hosting their annual conference, #BRIGHT21. Of course, xPlot is joining in on the fun! On June 30th, tune in to hear our thoughts on the future of the fashion industry.

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Anneli Xie

Crossing Borders, Taking Risks: All We Learned About Hybrid Events

On the 19th of May, we did something we’d never done before – we hosted a full-blown, international, hybrid event. Thank you to all who came! We had a blast and we hope you did too. Here’s what we learned.

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Anneli Xie

Building Climate Resilience Through Communication with Footprint Level®

How do we build a climate resilient future amidst our ongoing climate catastrophe? We talk to Footprint Level® – the winner of Creative Business Cup Sweden 2021 – to see how their company contributes to the greater good of our climate, world, and us.

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Anneli Xie

...and the winner is: Footprint Level!

After an intense and enthralling final of the 2021 Swedish Creative Business Cup, Footprint Level – under the lead of Mats Huss – emerged as the winner!

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Anneli Xie

...and finally, meet the finalists!

TONIGHT, during our annual get-together, we present the winner of Creative Business Cup Sweden! Curious to hear more? Meet this year’s jury and our impressive top two finalists!

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Anneli Xie

Meet the Speakers: Markku Lorentz and Pengu Studios

What kind of hero would you like to become? In Natural Pengu, Markku Lorentz explores the concept of cooperative storytelling of real-life, albeit virtual, humans, crossing the borders between life online and life offline. But how? Let's see..

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Anneli Xie

Meet the Speakers: Haruna Katayama, FemTech Analyst

How do we render a new social reality of sex? Why is it important? Meet Haruna Katayama, FemTech Analyst, on her journey to democratize sexual pleasure and to normalize women’s sexual health.

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Anneli Xie

Meet the Speakers: DARE CLAN and Riccardo Aimerito

DARE means courage, bravery, and risk. To Riccardo Aimerito, DARE is also an acronym for DYNAMIC, ADVENTUROUS, RADICAL, ECCENTRIC. How do we revolutionize the Cultural and Creative Industries through these four principles? Time to meet the Dare Clan.

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Jonathan Wintoft

Meet our DJ: Elin Beckman

Crossing borders and breaking the glass ceiling; on May 19th, we bring you Elin Beckman, DJ Extraordinaire! Read more about Elin Beckman; and most importantly – get ready to get grooving.

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Anneli Xie

Meet the Speakers: Mario Amura and Phlay

Internationally acclaimed cinematographer and photographer Mario Amura is crossing borders in many ways. Most recently, by delving into the world of rhythmic-visual performativity and human-computer interaction. Let’s take a look!

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Anneli Xie

Meet the Speakers: Pär Säthil – The Brave Creative

Creativity and psychology might benefit more from each other than we think. On May 19th, xPlot welcomes Pär Säthil, psychologist, writer, and former musician, to speak about how psychology has the power to unlock creative action.

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Anneli Xie

Meet the Speakers: gener8tor and its Motown Musician Accelerator

On the Swedish CBC Finals on the 19th of May, xPlot welcomes Chelsea Linder from gener8tor and Suai Kee from gener8tor’s Motown Musician Accelerator, to speak about the creative economy and the music industry in the United States and globally. 

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Jonathan Wintoft

Calling all creative entrepreneurs: Join the Creative Business Academy!

The winner of Creative Business Cup Sweden does not only get to represent Sweden at the Global CBC Finals in June, but also snatches a spot in an exclusive training program for creative entrepreneurs: the Creative Business Academy!

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Anneli Xie

Meet the Speakers: Aaron Greiner – Founder and Director of CultureHouse

On the Swedish CBC Finals on the 19th of May, xPlot welcomes Aaron Greiner, founder and director of CultureHouse, to speak about the importance of social infrastructure and how free pop-up community spaces can make a lasting impact.

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Anneli Xie

A mask start-up shows its face: Mymic wins the Swiss Creative Business Cup!

The Creative Business Cup is currently in full bloom, sprouting new and exciting innovations from all over the world. As part of an international network of 80+ countries, xPlot helped pick the winner in Switzerland last week. Let's check them out!

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Anneli Xie

5 Reasons to Apply to the Creative Business Cup!

Time to put your thoughts into action – here’s five reasons YOU should apply to the Creative Business Cup!

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Anneli Xie

Expert Input on the Elements of Entrepreneurship Ecosystems: A Chat with Dr. Jasna Pocek

At xPlot, we believe in the collective power of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. But what is an entrepreneurship ecosystem, really? We ask researcher and scholar Dr. Jasna Pocek to explain and elaborate.

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Anneli Xie

The StoryTourist Story: From the Creative Business Cup to a Successful International Enterprise

In 2019, Johanna Forsman and Andreas Jansson of StoryTourist won the Swedish Creative Business Cup. At the Global CBC, they championed their category. We talk with Forsman to talk CBC, StoryTourist, and the importance of cultural entrepreneurship.

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Anneli Xie

10 years, 10 webinars: Happy birthday, Klump!

Start the week fresh with inspiration – enjoy daily visits to Klump cultural incubator to learn and discuss cultural entrepreneurship with knowledgeable guests and passionate speakers. The webinars are informal, informative, and completely free!

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Anneli Xie

Applications to the 2021 Creative Business Cup are now OPEN!

Dreaming of growing your creative endeavors? Thinking about starting your own business? Ready for the opportunity of a lifetime? Join the annual Creative Business Cup and turn your thoughts into action! We are here to guide you along the way.

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Anneli Xie

Social Learning Enhances Entrepreneurial Education

How can entrepreneurial education benefit from social learning; and what really is social learning? In an academic study of one of xPlot's previous ventures – Barcamper – we may find the answers to our questions.

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Anneli Xie

Welcome to the creARTive Sessions!

On March 4th, 2021, The creARTive Sessions begin! Aiming to promote and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience amongst entrepreneurs within the Cultural and Creative Sector, this is a digital series you do not want to miss.

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Anneli Xie

xPlot & creARTive are joining Folk & Kultur 2021!

Reset and recharge; let’s have some fun! On February 10–12, 2021, you can join xPlot at the fourth annual – and first digital – Folk och Kultur! 250 activities packed into three days of fun and festivities; and best of all, it’s completely free!

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Katarina Scott

69 different fundings you can apply for during 2021!

Do you need to finance a project in 2021? Navigating the Creative & Cultural industries for funding just got a bit easier.

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Anneli Xie

From Barcamper to TIME Magazine: Kirill Noskov on Growing IAMRUNBOX

Even during a tumultuous year of COVID lock-downs and economic uncertainty, Kirill Noskov – founder and CEO of the backpack company IAMRUNBOX – has achieved momentous success.

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Lars Mattiasson

Join our innovative educational program - Creative Business Academy

xPlot and Creative Business Network launch an international educational program for the Creative Industries.

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Hossein Lavi

Lunds kommun och Lundasupport bjuder in till webinar!

Välkommen att delta vid ett interaktivt event om finansiering och ekonomi i det nya normala. Oavsett om du driver en startup eller ett etablerat företag så hjälper vi dig att reda ut begreppen och se möjligheterna.

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Lars Mattiasson

What can entrepreneurs learn from athletes about sustainable development?

In order to create the companies of the future, entrepreneurs need to learn about personal sustainability. For this reason, we’ve invited four top athletes to join the Swedish final of the Creative Business Cup.

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Elinor Valfridsson

5 reasons why you should apply for Creative Business Cup 2020

Gather your thoughts and sharpen your pens, because the applications for CBC (Creative Business Cup) are open!

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Lars Mattiasson

Apply to the Creative Business Cup!

We can help you take your business idea to the world together with investors, business coaches and a massive international network!

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Elinor Valfridsson

What is Creative Business Network and what’s xPlot got to do with it?

To support the entrepreneurs in our network, we’ve, therefore, joined forces with Creative Business Network, a global organization whose main focus is to support startups in the creative industry.

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Hossein Lavi

Be Here Then - an xPlot story is borne.

Ever wondered how the old train station looked like or how the main city square was used 200 years ago? In October, one of our startups who made it to xPlot's national finals during 2018 launched their time machine app in the city of Lund in Sweden.

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Nida Aslam

Nida from Pakistan collaborates with xPlot in opening a new Creative Business Network in Pakistan.

I have always believed that good design and creativity can help solve the most complex problems in the world.

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Lars Mattiasson

The Brewhouse Award 2019.

Compete for SEK 20,000, business coaching, marketing, mentoring and other profits that will bring you to fruition.

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Lars Mattiasson

Incubators for culture & creative industries join forces in a national organization.

Sweden's incubators for culture and creative industries gathered at Brewhouse's cultural factory to form a new association for incubators within the culture and creative sector.

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Lars Mattiasson

Creative Business Cup Global Finals in Copenhagen July 1-2.

Creative Business Cup National Competitions are organized in more than 70 countries, sending winners annually to the Global Finals in Copenhagen. ​

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Lars Mattiasson

Winner of Creative Business Cup Sweden sharpens her pitch before the Global Finals in Copenhagen.

Johanna Forsman, co-founder of Story Tourist takes part in the Baltic-Nordic Bootcamp June 4-5 in Helsinki.

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Hossein Lavi

And the winner is…Story Tourist!

We are happy to announce the winner of Creative Business Cup Sweden. Next step for Story Tourist is the global finals in Copenhagen the 1-2 of July.

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Lars Mattiasson

From a film festival to a multimedia opportunity valley.

The story about a small Italian village that became a leading film and multimedia hub. On the 8th of May, you will hear the full story from Luca Tesauro, CEO of Giffoni Innovation Hub

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Hossein Lavi

Meet our exciting finalists!

Fierce competition and strong inflow of applications made it really hard for the jury to evaluate and choose the finalists for the 8th of May in Lund.

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Hossein Lavi

Do you want to speed up your access into an international market?

Apply today to the Creative Business Cup Sweden and check if your idea has the potential to succeed globally.

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Lars Mattiasson

Here we are, with *great news* for you!

On the 4th of April in Stockholm, the Sweden Demo Day will take place!

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