Anneli Xie

Meet the Speakers: gener8tor and its Motown Musician Accelerator

On the Swedish CBC Finals on the 19th of May, xPlot welcomes Chelsea Linder from gener8tor and Suai Kee from gener8tor’s Motown Musician Accelerator, to speak about the creative economy and the music industry in the United States and globally. 

What can we learn from the United States’ entrepreneurship ecosystem; and what may the creative and cultural industries look like in the future? xPlot turns to Chelsea Linder, director of Operations at gener8tor, and Suai Kee, director of the Motown Musician Accelerator – a part of gener8tor – for some answers.

With the mission of helping communities support their own best and brightest, gener8tor is a nationally ranked concierge accelerator investing in high-growth start-ups within the Cultural and Creative Industries. Active in multiple locations across the Midwestern United States, gener8tor does it all, offering five different products to aid their mission. Very different from the Swedish innovation ecosystem, we believe there is much to be learned from gener8tor and its diverse programs. Let’s take a closer look!

Chelsea Linder (left) – Director of Operations at gener8tor, and Suai Kee (right) – director of gener8tor's Motown Musician Accelerator. Photo: gener8tor.

For start-ups within the CCI, gener8tor offers the gener8tor Flagship Accelerator – a nationally ranked venture fund that invests $100,000 in five high-growth start-ups at a time. The five start-ups enter into a 12-week accelerator program, in which they are supported by experienced mentors, corporate partners, angel investors, and venture capitalists. The gener8tor Flagship Accelerator is open for international applications; a great opportunity for anyone interested in expanding to the US. You can read more about the gener8tor Flagship Accelerator and how to apply here.

For start-ups in the earlier stages of development, there is the gBETA Pre-Accelerator – a free, seven-week accelerator for start-ups still in the early stages. The gBETA runs multiple times a year in 23 cities across the US and Canada, helping start-ups refine their business model, get coaching, and gain customer and investor traction. 

The gener8tor Flagship Accelerator is open to applicants all over the world. You can read more about the gener8tor Flagship Accelerator and how to apply here. Photo: gener8tor.

For musicians and artists in particular, there is gener8tor Music – a grant initiative similar to the Flagship Accelerator, designed specifically for artists and managers. The Motown Musician Accelerator is a part of gener8tor Music and is currently in the selection process for their upcoming cohort, narrowing down 300 applications to 10 artists and 10 managers to go through to the accelerator program. Focusing on making artists think more like entrepreneurs than hobbyists, the Motown Musician Accelerator – with Suai Kee in the lead – pairs an artist with a manager for six weeks, making them collaborate in learning the music industry through hands-on education. 

gener8tor's Motown Musician Accelerator helps Detroit-based musicians take their careers to the next level. Photo: gener8tor.

gener8tor even has a program specifically for corporations with innovation and/or entrepreneurship groups, called the Corporate Impact Network, in which they may learn best practices to further develop skills and advance the way businesses interact, support and commit to their employees and surrounding communities.

Lastly, as a direct result of COVID-19, gener8tor, in partnership with Microsoft and LinkedIn Learning, offers gener8tor Upskilling – a free and virtual technical skills program for un/underemployed peoples looking to obtain in-demand jobs.


The key to all gener8tor programs is the low threshold into the world of creative entrepreneurship – easy applications, a supporting network, and a guiding hand through the entire process. Admirable, to say the least. Indeed, it seems like we have a lot to learn from gener8tor and their different programs, and we are so excited to welcome them to our CBC Finals on the 19th of May to hear more about what they offer – and the potential for a future collaboration with the Nordic countries!

More info about the event coming soon.
Until then, you may read more about gener8tor and their different programs on their website.


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