Lars Mattiasson

Incubators for culture & creative industries join forces in a national organization.

Sweden's incubators for culture and creative industries gathered at Brewhouse's cultural factory to form a new association for incubators within the culture and creative sector.

On August 29-30, Sweden's incubators for culture and creative industries gathered at Brewhouse's cultural factory in Gothenburg to form creARTive - a new association for incubators within the culture and creative sector.

The purpose of the strategic power gathering is to drive key questions for the industry and create the best possible conditions for artists and creators to build and develop their businesses.
The idea was born when Martin Q Larsson, as newly appointed Manager for Subtopia's incubator Klump, travelled around Sweden to gather experience from leading players in the area. This led to a joint meeting in the spring, which in the end also resulted in the incubators feeling the need for a common agenda.

- We realized we had a lot in common. Our industries are used to sharing resources and to work in the border between the commercial and the meaningful, as well as between the entrepreneurial and artistic. So it quickly became obvious that we should come together and help lift our industries on a national level, says Martin Q Larsson.

Cultural and creative industries are experiencing steady growth both in terms of job opportunities and market growth in general. According to the latest reports from Tillväxtverket (The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth), the cultural and creative industries are leading the digital service development. Working within these industries usually means that the goal is to target an international market already at the idea phase.

- It is precisely this that makes the new network so important. Although musicians, actors, designers, game developers, writers and architects in themselves are different in their expressions and their professionalism, they operate to some extent in the same arena and can benefit from each other's knowledge and experience from their respective companies, says Anna Svensdotter Dimle, Brewhouse's operations manager and artistic leader.

- We see these differences as strengths. And this also applies to us incubators in the cultural and creative industries. We build this network on commitment and strength. We can strengthen and complement each other and come together where we feel that our commitment and drive meet, says Marlene Johansson, CEO of eXpression Umeå.

Members of creARTive

KLump Subtopia Botkyrka
Brewhouse Gothenburg
eXpression Umeå
Transit Culture Incubator Stockholm
xPlot Malmö / Lund
SITE Stockholm
HUB063 Östersund

* Cultural and creative industries
Architecture • Design • Film • Photo • Art • Cultural heritage • Literature • Media and marketing communication • Fashion • Music • Meal • Performing arts • Craft • Game development • Experience-based learning


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