Anneli Xie

xPlot & creARTive are joining Folk & Kultur 2021!

Reset and recharge; let’s have some fun! On February 10–12, 2021, you can join xPlot at the fourth annual – and first digital – Folk och Kultur! 250 activities packed into three days of fun and festivities; and best of all, it’s completely free!

Folk och Kultur is a cultural policy convention that pays tribute to Sweden’s art and cultural scene. On February 10-12, you can partake in three days filled with festivities, fun and celebrate the richness of Sweden’s cultural industries. 

Folk och Kultur believes in the vitality of culture and aims to promote an accessible and vibrant cultural life throughout Sweden. At the same time, Folk och Kultur acts as a meeting place for broad cultural discourse in all areas of politics. By inviting local, regional, and national politicians into a scene of cultural life, cultural policy, and cultural associations, Folk och Kultur opens up an intersectional dialogue with the cultural and creative industries in focus.

This year’s program can be found here (in Swedish) and is divided into six categories:

  1. Digitalization – How is the cultural sector adjusting its practices in an increasingly digital world?
  2. Cultural Politics – How do we promote a vibrant and independent cultural life in Sweden?
  3. Cultural Heritage – Art, culture, and traditions empower generations ahead; but whose stories are we really telling? What is the cultural heritage of our time?
  4. Children and Youth – Children are the voices of our future. How do we make sure their voices are accessible and heard?
  5. Democracy – Disentangling the concept of democracy, something that’s never felt as relevant as now.
  6. Inspiration – Looking beyond 2020 and onwards to newer ventures. Let yourself be inspired by the cultural zealots of 2021.

At xPlot, we truly believe in the core value of Folk and Kultur: that culture and the arts are important for all of us, no matter our position in society. As such, we are happy to support and partake in an event like this.

On February 10, 10:30 – 10:50 AM, xPlot’s Lars Mattiasson, Tomas Ahlström from East Sweden Game, and Swedish Designer Johanna Forsman, will discuss the importance of intersectional culture in the panel discussion:

Vad har en konstnär, en programmerare, och en ingenjör gemensamt? (transl.: What does an artist, a software developer, and an engineer have in common?)

Moderated by Martin Q. Larsson from Subtopia, focus will be on cross-collaboration, co-entrepreneurship, co-learning, and innovation mobility. Not to be missed!

Be sure to secure your spot to this year’s Folk and Kultur by registering through this link.

The initiators of Folk och Kultur are Länsteatrarna in Sweden, Regional Music in Sweden and Länsmuseernas Samarbetsråd. The convention has been developed in close collaboration with Eskilstuna municipality and Region Sörmland and several hundred external organizers and exhibitors. Since the start in 2018, Folk och Kultur has taken place annually in Munktellstaden in Eskilstuna.


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