Anneli Xie

#BRIGHT21: SafariSeat in the Global Finals of the CBC!

SafariSeat, the winners of Creative Business Cup Sweden 2020, are one of the top six creative start-ups in the WORLD! Today, June 30th, they're making their final pitch in the Global Finals of the Creative Business Cup, held virtually at #BRIGHT21.

An all-terrain wheelchair that changes the lives of low-income mobility-impaired people in Kenya, SafariSeat is all about using innovative design to lift people out of poverty.

The winners of Creative Business Cup Sweden 2020, SafariSeat is now in the joint Global Finals – combining the national winners of Creative Business Cup 2020 and 2021 – competing to become the best creative start-up in the world.

With competitors from over 80 countries, making it to the Final Round alone is an incredible feat – and competition is fierce.

SafariSeat is joined by:

COSGEAR, Norway – Cosgear makes high-tech accessories that allow cosplayers worldwide to dress up like their favorite characters from games, bringing their costumes to the next level.

FACEUP, Czech Republic – An anonymous reporting channel that is always at hand. For either company employees and school students.

* RAIKU, Estonia – Raiku manufactures sustainable packagings made out of a patented compostable wooden fabric.

* WINGO DEPOSIT, Latvia – WinGo Deposit is a tech company that has developed a device for the end user to sort packaging and batteries, while helping them change their life style and habits.

THE LIGHTNING ARTZ, Nigeria – At The Lightning Artz, they manufacture high-quality functional pottery wares, water filters, and all types of food-safe ceramics. AquaMax is their flagship product; a ceramic water filter built to serve the 83 million Nigerians in the rural slums.

SafariSeat making their final presentation at the Global Finals of the Creative Business Cup.

We wish SafariSeat all the best and hope to see them emerge as the winners at the end of these #BRIGHT21 days of inspiration, entrepreneurship, and creativity.


Cover image from the finals of Creative Business Cup Sweden 2020.


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