Anneli Xie

Calling all Creative Entrepreneurs:Join the GovTech Challenge!

Open call for creative entrepreneurs, startups and smaller IT companies. Pitch your most innovative idea for a digital match-making platform in this collaborative GovTech PubSec challenge from Creative Business Network and the City of Copenhagen.

Calling all Creative Entrepreneurs!

Here’s your chance to have impact on a future public sector digital solution and pitch live at Copenhagen City Hall in this GovTech challenge.

Apply here!

The City of Copenhagen and the Creative Business Network are on the lookout for creative entrepreneurs with innovative ideas for a new digitalized solution making it easier for Copenhagen’s unemployed and companies to easily find each other.

Business House Copenhagen has ties to companies and current job openings – and the job centre has the reach to all the unemployed Copenhageners – but what should the bridge between the two be like?

Right now, the only way the unemployed people can learn about all available positions at Copenhagen’s job centre is through mediating and by showing up physically for a meeting. This takes up time and immense resources – there must be a much smarter way to do this.

We therefore invite all creative entrepreneurs, small IT-companies or other interested parties to offer solutions that can make it easier for all parties involved to find each other.

Whether it’s a special platform, a digital meeting place, or a system that can automatically match the parties itself, or something completely different – that’s what we want you to tell us! Even idea stage ideas are valued, just give us your best shot.

We evaluate all submitted proposals, and the top five contributions are invited to pitch live at Copenhagen City Hall during the GovTech Challenge event Project JobSpeed in October, where an already excited Mayor of Employment and Integration in Copenhagen, Cecilia Lonning-Skovgaard (V), will be present: “On behalf of the unemployed, I look forward to seeing what creative solutions the companies propose at this GovTech challenge”.

Gain insights into the concrete challenges of Denmark’s largest employment and integration administration, and an opportunity to pitch in front of a qualified judging panel and audience. The five contributors that make it to the pitch competition will furthermore be featured here on Creative Business Network’s website. The City of Copenhagen may be inspired by the ideas for formulating a possible future tender but does NOT have the rights to the participants’ solutions. Read more about the project and the criteria here.

Who can participate?

All creative entrepreneurs and smaller IT companies.

Criteria for the evaluation:

  • The company’s ability to develop and implement the solution in collaboration with a Danish public entity
  • The number of resources saved by the implementation of the solution
  • Precision and volume match between supplied and demanded competencies
  • The solution’s compliance with applicable legal requirements, GDPR etc.
  • The solution’s contribution to the image of The Employment and Integration Administration of Copenhagen City, as a professional collaborator for both unemployed candidates and companies.

The application deadline is 1. September 2021.


To read more about the competition, please visit https://cbnet.com/govtech-challenge/


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