Anneli Xie

5 Reasons to Apply to the Creative Business Cup!

Time to put your thoughts into action – here’s five reasons YOU should apply to the Creative Business Cup!

The Creative Business Cup (CBC) is like the world championships for creative entrepreneurs, run annually in 80+ different countries. The winner from each country goes on to compete in the Global Creative Business Cup Finals in Copenhagen, Denmark, in June 2021. The global finals are held each year at the Bright Conference – a two day networking event where we gather creative businesses, as well as people interested in entrepreneurship and innovation, from all corners of the world.

The CBC is a great opportunity for anyone with a creative business idea to connect with investors, network with fellow entrepreneurs, and showcase your best ideas to a global audience. In collaboration with the Creative Business Network, xPlot helps bring Swedish ideas to the forefront in the Swedish CBC. The application process is digital, simple, and straight-forward. Are you ready to grow your creative endeavours?

If you want to know more about what the CBC is, you might want to head on over to this blog post; and if you’re still not sure whether or not you should spend 10 minutes filling out the application, here are five reasons that might convince you:

  1. Win prize money
    The winner of the Swedish Creative Business Cup competes in the Global Finals in Copenhagen, with financial rewards in the prize pool. The CBC is all about removing the complexities of business development – even if you don’t win, participating in the CBC helps you gather global investments and grow clientele.
  2. Enter into an exclusive training program with top entrepreneurs from all over the world
    As one of the national finalists (and a competitor in the Global Final), you get to enter into the Creative Business Academy. The Creative Business Academy is a business development and internationalization course tailored for start-ups within the Cultural and Creative Industries. The Academy, which is free of charge, will improve your business skills and help you understand the opportunities and challenges that you might have in front of you. The program is specifically made to suit an international audience, with experts and partners of the Global Creative Business Network taking part.
  3. Gain feedback and 1-on-1 coaching from industry experts
    Every CBC applicant receives the opportunity to present their business idea to an international jury of investors, business coaches, and creatives that, through detailed evaluation, provide their expert thoughts and opinions. This is an excellent opportunity to sharpen your pitching skills and get relevant feedback that can help develop your business idea further. As part of the CBC, each start-up participating also gets one-on-one coaching from experienced business coaches and investors – an effort which is unavailable to many due to its hefty price. At the CBC, it’s free.
  4. Gather global attraction and international investments
    The CBC attracts hungry investors from all over the world that are looking for new connections and business opportunities. Attending the event solely for its networking opportunities might lead to a big investment or a connection that might be useful further down the road.
  5. Expand your horizons and broaden your network 
    There is no better place to network and connect with likeminded people from all over the world than at an event like this. As a participant in the CBC, you also become part of the Creative Business Network, a network of experts, start-ups, and investors from all over the world.


What are you waiting for? Apply to the CBC today! Here’s how:

1. Read the rules.

2. Fill out the application on F6S.

3. Await our feedback. A total of 8 applications will be selected for the finals, but every applicant will get feedback on their business idea.

4. Participate (virtually) in the Swedish finals on May 19th, 2021.

5. Represent Sweden in the Global Finals in Copenhagen in June!

Good luck!


If you have any questions about xPlot or the Creative Business Cup, do not hesitate to get in contact with us. We are here to guide you through every step of the process!


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