Lars Mattiasson

What can entrepreneurs learn from athletes about sustainable development?

In order to create the companies of the future, entrepreneurs need to learn about personal sustainability. For this reason, we’ve invited four top athletes to join the Swedish final of the Creative Business Cup.

For an elite athlete, it is important to feel good and think straight in order to perform at a high level - an area where entrepreneurs can learn a lot in order to create global, successful businesses.

- We want to give startups, companies and organizations the opportunity to take part of the broad knowledge that elite athletes and top coaches have when it comes to strategies and processes for personal sustainability. Our vision is an ecosystem where entrepreneurs, business coaches and investors work closely together, in sustainable business processes and with the human at the center, says Lars Mattiasson, who runs xPlot and the Swedish hub of Creative Business Cup.

The Swedish final of the Creative Business Cup on March 12th (read more here) in Lund begins with a panel debate around elite sports and entrepreneurship with a panel consisting of four prolific elite athletes who’ve collectively claimed nearly 30 Olympic and World Cup medals. This extensive knowledge bank of lessons, insights and strategies from the top-level sport industry often gets lost to today's entrepreneurs in their quest to quickly build successful businesses. In the world of professional sports, individuals and teams have to balance short term performance, achievement and tangible results with long-term resilience, well-being and care. Individual and collective success are often interconnected, guided by a shared purpose where finding your role in the bigger picture is paramount to accomplishment.

- We see a clear connection to successful entrepreneurial teams. For us, it is important to make long-term investments in the local community and work closely with the entrepreneurs to build sustainable teams. That's how we turn local startups into sustainable companies on a global market, says Björn Englund, CEO of the business angel network I Love Lund.

The panel consists of William Seth-Wenzel, martial arts player of the year and champion of the year 2019, Susanne Gunnarsson, one of Sweden's most successful canoeists and Rob Haans, multiple World Cup medalist and creator of the training concept behind Sweden's most successful national team in jujutsu. Klara Svensson, a former professional boxer with 20 professional matches and several World Cup titles will participate via Skype.

The Swedish Final of the Creative Business Cup is a full-day event with panels, workshops, presentations and international networks. The day is ended with a jury of industry experts and investors who will choose the winner of 2020. Winners will represent Sweden at the Global Final in Copenhagen at the end of June. The Creative Business Cup is an international competition concept for the creative industries and is open to anyone with a business concept that has the potential for global expansion. It brings together startups, investors, leaders and innovative thinkers from 78 countries.

Read more here!

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Bild: Bildbyrån - Andreas Sandstrom


MIMIK vinnare av NEST-pitchtävling och TEKOs stipendium

Vinnare av NEST-pitchtävling och TEKOs stipendium på 75.000:- blev startupbolaget MIMIK som genom användargenererade digitala kloner, låter kunder prova kläder i endigital miljö på ett lustfyllt sätt och på så vis bidra till mer hållbar konsumtion, minskade returer och ökade vinstmarginaler.

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Lars Mattiasson

Framtidens Mode designer

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Lars Mattiasson

‍Skapa en hållbar textil-& modeindustri. Anmäl dig till NEST!

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Anneli Xie

Missa inte Smarts Stora Kunskapsdag – för kreatörer!

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Livepodd 15/2: Fashion Transformation - Digitalt mode & gaming

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Anneli Xie

Nu kan du söka till NEST 2023!

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Anneli Xie

"We want to understand the textile industry's challenges within research"

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RecoMended vinnare av NEST-pitchtävling och TEKOs stipendium

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