Anneli Xie

A mask start-up shows its face: Mymic wins the Swiss Creative Business Cup!

The Creative Business Cup is currently in full bloom, sprouting new and exciting innovations from all over the world. As part of an international network of 80+ countries, xPlot helped pick the winner in Switzerland last week. Let's check them out!

Last week, the finals of Creative Business Cup Switzerland took place, prompting an exciting day of creativity and innovation. Due to the finals’ virtual format, we were lucky enough to have xPlot’s Lars Mattiasson participate as one of three international judges, alongside Serena Cangiano from Switzerland, researcher at SUPSI Lugano and Christina Koch from Austria, head of the Regional Creative Industries Alliance.

After an intense day of pitching, Mymic emerged as the winners of the Swiss cup, qualifying for digital participation in the Global Finals of the CBC at the end of June. In addition to prize money and a secured spot in the Global Finals, Mymic will also enter into CBC's exclusive training program for creative entrepreneurs, the Creative Business Academy.

As we continue mask-wearing to prevent the spread of disease, Mymic offers an innovative solution to a very current problem. Ordinary protective masks are barriers to non-verbal communication – especially for people with hearing loss. In addition, disposable masks are neither comfortable or sustainable. In contrast, the Mymic mask was developed to protect against disease in a positive and integrative way, solving the many problems of the conventional mask, being both eco-friendly and inclusive. Because of its transparency, the mask enables non-verbal communication; and with its washable and interchangeable filters, it is multi-use and environmentally friendly. In addition, the Mymic masks are customizable to suit your personal style, with a persistent focus on comfort and fit.

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The Mymic mask is inclusive in its transparency and eco-friendly with its interchangeable and washable filters. Photo: MymicLaure Gremion.

– The Mymic concept is convincing with its topicality, potential, its international reach and sustainability beyond the Corona pandemic," said Regula Staub, Managing Director of the Creative Hub, when explaining the jury's decision.

Team Mymic rose as the winner against six finalists in the Swiss Creative Business Cup, as the finalists competed in a digital pitch event. They will represent Switzerland at the Global Finals of the Creative Business Cup on June 28 and 29, 2021.


The Olympics of the Creative Industries

The Creative Business Cup will take place for the tenth time in 2021, and is considered “the Olympics of the creative industries.” It is a global initiative that not only highlights start-ups from the creative industry, but also connects them with each other, as well as with investors, business coaches, and the media.

In Switzerland, the event is organized by the Creative Hub, which in turn promotes the Swiss creative industry with know-how, networking and visibility. Learn more about Creative Hub and Mymic here.

In Sweden, the Creative Business Cup is run and organized by us at xPlot. Learn more about xPlot's participation in the CBC here.

The 2021 Swedish Finals will be held on May 19th. Are you our winner?  We are still taking applications. Do you have a creative business idea? Apply today!


Original text by Creative Hub.
Adapted to xPlot by Anneli Xie.


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